Since my husband had his surgery he had to stop his smoking. I think that is also the reason why he doesn't eat good as he use too,because he don't have a good appetite at all. Every food I served he wont eat it. The doctor also told him that he needs some more Iron so I started feeding him veggies that has iron on it. I also start serving him pasta salad which he really loves. I am glad and happy to see that he finally like the food I served him now I can spend more time in my computer because I don't have to cook all the time lols!
Anyway guys I have to get going now cause my sister was asking me to help her find the best
child insurance cause they have to get one for my nephew before they will fly to New York next month. Since they got here in the US last year they haven't got him an insurance yet cause they are having trouble finding the right one. So I better stop tapping my computer now, see ya all later!