
The Designers Chic

January 24, 2009

Tips for seducing your man with red lipstick

Since Valentines Day is almost here . I wanted to share some tips that I just learned recently lol!

Would you like to seduce your man on Valentines Day? Well, you need to wear a red lipstick. Not just any red will do. It must be an orangey tomato red if you seriously want to seduce your man.

Studies have shown that looking at this color causes the body to release the hormone epinephrine, so a man unconsciously finds himself in a state of excitement. If you don't believe this then you have to try it first, It will surely quicken his pulse wink!.

January 23, 2009


When I went shopping with my sister last weekend I was very happy to find out that most of the items I purchased were on sale. I was very glad because I was able to buy some new clothes with out going over my budget. I was also able to get some few things for my sister’s baby shower. Now I am thinking where I can go shopping again? Hmmmp I’m not sure yet, cause money now a days is really short. I tried my best not to spend anything unless I really need it, because the blogging is just not that dependable anymore. So I better be careful with my spending, cause sometimes I can’t really resist wink!

January 17, 2009

Head N Shoulder

When I got here in the US I started changing different kinds of shampoo. I can't stick to one particular brands of shampoo/conditioner because the longer I used it the more I will experience having a dry and itchy scalp. I felt so desperate about it because no matter how I tried and changing different brand of shampoo/ conditioner, it still don't make any difference. Then realize that I have to stick to the brand that I have been using ever since when I was in PI, and only to find out that this is the only best shampoo for me and now I am really happy that I stick to this brand because I never experience having dandruff and itchy scalp again. If I was not being so ma arte before I wouldn't be experiencing having a dry and itchy scalp. So thank you so much head n Shoulder your the best.

My 7th Month Pregnant Siter

This is my sister on her 7th months pregnancy. She will be due on march 7 and we are excited about it. My sister really worries that after she gave birth she will gain a lot of weight and that she would need the help of a diet pill in order for her to lose some pounds. I told her many times that even if she is pregnant she doesn’t look big at all. Its not like when she was pregnant with my first nephew. She was really gaining a lot of pounds and she was also having difficult time because of her bulging belly, but she would still keep insists that she is big. Hmmm I think she worries too much.

January 15, 2009

A mountain of eyebags

I just wanted to share this picture of mine. Most of my pictures you can really notice my big bags that looks like a mountain under my eyes. I think I have been having this for as long as I can remember and I really hated it because it looks so ugly, plus the ugly looking dark circles under my eyes also and I really hate it, I mean really HATE it. Well at least I can still hide the black circle under my eyes with concealer. Although I really tried to get rid of them in a natural way. My friends and mom advice me to put some cucumber to relax my eyes but you know what happen after I applied that? It makes it worse, my eyes was really red and it looks like I was having a soar eyes, from that day on I told my self not to put cucumber again. Now does anyone have a solution how to get rid of these in a natural way?

January 4, 2009

Glamorous Bathroom Vanities

While surfing online for something glamorous that I can share and post here on my blog I came across to a website that posted so many picture of a bold and very colorful bathroom vanities. My gosh they are so gorgeous. The one you see on the attach picture below is my favorite one. I really love it so much and I think having this on my bathroom could really bring an ambiance and vibrant feeling. I can say that this would really match with my personality since I am a happy person.