
The Designers Chic

February 14, 2010

I want my 20 pounds back:)

No matter how many foods I ate lately I never gain weight, now I realize that I‘d rather want to weight 120 pounds than weighing only 100 pounds. Before I wanted to lose some few pounds since I gained a lot. But now I don’t think that a best weight loss pills is needed since I already look skinny. every time I look my naked body in the mirror I feel so ugly because it makes me feel I am anorexics. My boyfriend keeps telling e that he loves my body and I don’t need to worry about. But I miss having my meaty butt lol! seems like its all gone when I lose few pounds. Ugh1 why cant I just be happy and satisfied with the way I look? Hmm I guess its just a human nature lol!

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