
The Designers Chic

April 14, 2010

My Hip Hop BOyfriend

Last weekend my boyfriend was not able to come up here in Staatsburg because his sister and nieces came from MS to visit him. They went to NYC to hang out together with their kids. At the end of the day he sent me bunch of pictures that he took from his phone on that day and one of those pictures is this one. I was not able to stop my self from laughing when I saw this picture because he look so different though he look a lot younger lol! He told me that his youngest bought a lot of hip hop clothes in NYC including this hat he wore in the picture. He told me that Mac stuck this in his head on their way home and he kinda like it. I told him that I like it better compared to the hat that he was going to buy when him and I went to Macy's 2 months ago, coz he looks like an elf lol! He agreed on me though;)

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